A brush full of hair, frequently clogged bathtub drain, and fallen hair on pillows and clothes. Our customers turn to us more and more often with those problems. The truth, however, is that excessive hair loss is a complex issue, therefore, no single best-practice advice or single product can be recommended – however, we will offer you a number of tips that can help you achieve healthy and thick hair.
When hair loss signals a problem
Every person normally loses a significant amount of hair during the day. Will you guess how much? 50 to 100 hairs per day. After washing your hair in the evening, even more hair may fall out. In a healthy person, each lost hair is always replaced by a new one. However, in some cases this does not happen. If you notice a higher amount of hair falling out, be aware that it may be a sign of alopecia, i.e., partial, or even complete loss of hair (and in some of its forms also eyelashes, eyebrows, facial or body hair), which may only be temporary, but in some cases even permanent.
Many people think of alopecia primarily in terms of prominent bald patches or complete baldness. However, only some types of alopecia are manifested in this way. Alopecia is a general term for various forms of partial or complete hair loss (beyond the normal daily loss of hair) for a variety of reasons. Simply put, alopecia is a condition in which hair loss outweighs hair growth. What are the most common forms of alopecia and what is the chance of their reversibility, you will learn below.
In the early stages, you may not notice increased hair loss and thinning at all. The first signs, in addition to more hair loss, depending on the type of alopecia, may be a feeling of less hair volume, the skin of the scalp shows through, wider natural hair parting, receding hairline, or tiny hairless patches.
The first symptoms are often subtle and easy to overlook. Later, however, the skin of the scalp becomes clearly visible, the density of the hair decreases noticeably, any bald spots begin to merge, and these changes cannot be easily hidden anymore. Although alopecia is not life-threatening, it negatively affects the quality of life and can have an unpleasant effect on self-esteem.
Where to look for the causes of alopecia?
Alopecia can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, stressful situations, insufficient nutrition, poisoning, long-term overload of the organism or autoimmune reaction, but also inappropriate hair care. Sometimes it is caused by the use of certain medication, it can also be an accompanying phenomenon of other health problems, which include endocrine disorders, some infectious diseases, a number of people complain about it after covid or after vaccination, for example. Of course, heredity and some other factors are beyond your control, but you can learn how to care for your hair properly and to support its health and new hair growth.
The possibility of alopecia´s reversibility depends on the type and cause of alopecia
Alopecia occurs in different variants and the possibilities of its reversibility (restoration of hair growth) depend on its type and causes. It is important to notice its manifestations in good time and not wait for the spontaneous resolution of the situation. Early action can often help prevent irreversible changes. The first important step is to find and, if possible, to eliminate the cause. Next, focus on selecting appropriate hair care products that promote hair regeneration and stimulate hair growth.
Whether you prefer to treat yourself naturally or seek the help of pharmaceuticals, if you notice increased hair loss, hair thinning or even bald spots, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist who will determine the specific type of alopecia. In point of fact, we know several of them and they differ both in their causes and in their manifestations. Thanks to knowing which form you suffer from, it will be easier to find a way to fight against alopecia.
Effluvium (effluvium, or defluvium in Latin) is the indication of a condition where increased hair shedding occurs. Effluvium can be a changeable, even temporary phenomenon and is essentially the pre-stage of alopecia. The term alopecia refers to hair loss that has already occurred.
Types of alopecia can be divided into two main categories:
- non-scarring alopecia – without tissue damage, in most cases they are reversible. According to the duration of the effluvium, they are further divided into acute and chronic.
- scarring alopecia – permanently damage hair follicles and skin, hair loss is usually permanent.
Some types of alopecia can change from a non-scarring to scarring form, especially in the case of a chronic course of the disease. Therefore, it is very important to address excessive hair loss as soon as possible to reduce the risk of progression to a stage where permanent hair loss may occur.
Non-scarring alopecia
In the case of non-scarring alopecia, there are often good prospects for hair regrowth. The most common forms of non-scarring alopecia include:
Anagen effluvium
It is a diffuse form of hair loss, which manifests itself in the loss of hair evenly over the entire surface of the head. It usually also affects eyelashes, eyebrows, and secondary body hair. The causes include radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or poisoning. After the cause is removed, hair and hair loss usually regrow, but sometimes hair quality, colour, and texture may change.
Telogen effluvium
It is also manifested by diffuse, i.e., uniform thinning of the hair, but complete baldness occurs only rarely. For example, extreme dieting, childbirth, a very stressful event, or illness may be the cause. Hair usually begins to fall out 2-4 months after the trigger factor took effect. Once the cause is removed, the condition usually resolves.
Alopecia areata (spot baldness)
An autoimmune disease that manifests itself in circumscribed round or oval bald spots. In addition to hair, it can also affect hair growth on various parts of the body. It may progress to complete loss of hair (alopecia totalis) or to complete loss of body hair (alopecia universalis). A specific form is ophiasis, where bald patches form in a belt around the head.
Androgenic alopecia (androgenetic alopecia)
The most common type of alopecia with a slow to inconspicuous progression. It is commonly referred to as balding. Its occurrence is linked to genetic predisposition and is caused by increased sensitivity of hair follicles to the male sex hormone. In men, it often begins during adolescence, in women after menopause, and its incidence increases with age. It affects men more frequently and to a greater extent, with receding hairline and a "circle" on the crown. In women, thinning of the hair on the crown is more common. Early intervention can significantly slow or even stop this process.
Traction alopecia (alopecia traumatica, traumatic alopecia)
It is caused by long-term repeated pressure or pulling force being applied to the hair, which can lead to disruption of hair growth. This is typically caused by hairstyles that are too tightened, but can also be brought about by, for example, wearing tight headgear. It is manifested by gradual thinning of hair in areas exposed to excessive stress, for example by receding hairline. It is usually temporary and gradually fades away after the cause is removed. However, with prolonged stress on the hair, permanent damage and hair loss may occur.
Scarring alopecia
These fewer common types of alopecia include a range of conditions in which there is permanent focal damage to the hair follicles and scarring of the scalp, resulting in permanent hair loss in the scarred areas. The treatment is then aimed primarily at protecting the remaining hair.
Scarring alopecias are divided into primary, secondary, and congenital. Primary scarring alopecia is caused by an inflammatory process or an autoimmune disease (these include, for example, lichen planopilaris, chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, frontal fibrosing alopecia, folliculitis decalvans). Secondary scarring alopecia occurs as a result of damage to the skin and subsequently hair follicles, for example by burns or tumours. Congenital forms of scarring alopecia are very rare.
Treatment of alopecia
The treatment of alopecia is very individual; it always depends on its cause, type and also on the stage in which it is detected. Some types of alopecia may be temporary, and the hair may regrow on its own, some may be treated by removing the cause, while others may require treatment. In some cases, recurrences can occur, and in some types, especially scarring alopecia, treatment is difficult and demanding and can often only help to protect the hair that has not yet fallen out.
Treatment of alopecia generally consists of two steps: The first phase is to identify and eliminate the cause and the second phase is to focus on stimulating and, where possible, restoring hair growth. The next appropriate step is to improve the overall condition of the body, which helps in any treatment, not only skin problems.
How to support hair health and growth?
Eat a varied diet with enough nutrients
In connection with hair-loss problems, you should be especially interested in B vitamins, of which we mention biotin, or vitamin B7 (formerly known as vitamin H). It is nicknamed the beauty vitamin or the hair vitamin because it contributes to the health of hair, skin, and nails. At the same time, it is beneficial for energy metabolism, especially the digestion of fats and proteins, which are another necessary component for hair health. B vitamins are found in yeast, liver, kidney, poultry, and beef. They are also found in fish and seafood, egg yolk, soy, nuts, legumes, cereals (preferably whole grain), oatmeal, dairy products, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, bananas, among others. In addition to the B vitamins, the following have an effect on hair health:
Vitamin A: It has an effect on normal hair growth and stimulates the activity of sebaceous glands. It can be found, for example, in liver, fatty fish, cheese, egg yolk, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, apricots, mango, pineapple, grapefruit or cherries.
Vitamin E: An antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Its main sources are vegetable oils, nuts, seeds (e.g., sunflower, sesame, poppy), wheat germ, spinach, soybeans, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and egg yolk.
Vitamin C: It helps the body absorb iron, which is important for hair growth and quality. It also plays an important role in the production of collagen, which may affect the quality of hair. It is mainly found in citrus fruits, strawberries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, kiwi, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes, black currants, and cranberries.
Vitamin D: It stimulates hair growth and supports the proper functioning of hair follicles. We get it mainly from sunbathing and in smaller quantities from foods such as fatty fish and egg yolk, liver, avocado.
Iron: Iron deficiency (anaemia) may contribute to hair loss or deterioration of hair quality. Foods rich in iron include beef, liver, chicken, fish and shellfish, legumes, nuts and green leafy vegetables, and dried fruits (peaches, plums).
Zinc: It helps in the formation of hair tissues, stimulates the production of collagen, and helps to regulate the production of sebum. Zinc is found in seafood (lobsters, crabs, oysters), fish, chicken and beef, egg yolks, pumpkin seeds, bran, wheat germ and nuts.
Selenium: It is involved in protecting cells from damage and contributes to the health of hair, skin, and nails. Its sources include nuts – especially Brazil nuts, offal – especially liver and kidneys, eggs, seafood, seaweed, fish, poultry, pork and beef, whole grains, oatmeal.
If you are not sure what substances you are lacking, you can have blood collected during your regular medical check-up and your doctor will tell you what you should or should not supplement with, because not only a deficiency, but also an excess of certain vitamins (for example, vitamin A or selenium) can lead to deterioration in the quality or loss of hair.
Also, make sure that you eat enough protein
For the proper functioning of our bodies and for optimal hair growth, it is important to get enough protein. A lack of protein in the diet can lead to a number of health problems, including hair loss, weight problems or feelings of fatigue. You can take protein from animal sources, such as meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs, or you can supplement your diet with vegetable protein, such as legumes, oatmeal, or quinoa.
Use appropriate hair care products
Not only does the body need to be supplied with nutrients internally, but it also pays out to provide nourishment directly to the hair. Appropriate hair cosmetics should contain ingredients that boost hair growth and overall vitality, while being gentle on the hair and scalp.
Of our products, we recommend the years-proven Shampoo with propolis or its newer natural version,Shampoo with Propolis for your Hair. Both propolis shampoos help regenerate hair and scalp, strengthen hair, improve overall hair condition, and reduce hair loss. In addition, they also reduce the formation of dandruff. In the natural Shampoo with Propolis for your Hair, we have enhanced the effects of propolis with an extract of pea shoots (AnaGain), which boosts new hair growth.
„I've been using it for a long time, I was losing a lot of hair and now nothing. A perfect preparation.“
Václav (Shampoo with propolis)
„I'm very satisfied with the Shampoo with Propolis for Your Hair. I wasn't sure about the first or second washing, but since then it has been fine. For a better feel, I apply a little more shampoo to my hair to lather it up more. I started using it because my hair was falling out, which stopped. My hair now has a nice shine and seems to have more volume. The results came after about two to three weeks.“
„Shampoo with Propolis is great; I've been using it for a while now; my hair's stopped falling out, it's growing back, and my hair is generally healthier, and it's getting more beautiful.“
„Excellent. The skin of the scalp does not itch, and hair loss is reduced.“
Šárka (Shampoo with Propolis for your Hair)
We recommend that the effects of propolis shampoos be enhanced by the use of hair lotions. Hair lotion with propolis restores hair strength, strengthens roots, and boosts new hair growth. In addition to aiding in hair loss and thinning, it also helps against dandruff.
„I´ve really grown fond of this hair lotion. Not only does it smell great, but it's really efficient in boosting new hair growth.“
Kateřina (Hair lotion with propolis)
„The lotion has exceeded my expectations. After about 3 months, I had new fringe, and tentacles of new hair all over my head. Nice fragrance.“
Jitka (Hair lotion with propolis)
You can alternate the propolis hair lotion with Hair lotion with royal jelly or our newer alcohol-free Hair lotion with royal jelly and raspberry enzyme.. Thanks to royal jelly, both contain an ideal mix of vitamins to stimulate hair regeneration and quality. Hair Lotion with Royal Jelly strengthens and regenerates hair from roots to ends; it also contains pea shoot extract (AnaGain), which significantly strengthens the growth of new hair.
In Hair Lotion with Royal Jelly and Raspberry Enzyme, royal jelly is supplemented with fermented raspberry extract and caffeine; due to this synergy, the hair lotion regenerates and hydrates the scalp and helps the blood supply there, which also stimulates hair growth. In addition, the hair lotion with raspberry enzyme is completely alcohol-free, making it a great solution for those who are uncomfortable with the addition of alcohol in hair cosmetics.
„Super hair lotion. It stopped my hair fall and itchy scalp. That's why I bought it, and it fulfilled its purpose. I am going to continue its use :-)“
Martina (Hair lotion with royal jelly)
„It gives hair incredible shine. It works really fast (already after one week I noticed new hair growth :-)) – my hair is now as thick as never – I've been using it for about 6 months.“
minooous (Hair lotion with royal jelly)
Another aid to help reduce hair loss and boost hair growth is our Hair Serum with Royal Jelly, which we have developed specifically for this purpose. In addition to royal jelly, the serum contains three other ingredients that hair loves: nettles, caffeine and AnaGain (pea shoot extract). Their active ingredients have a positive effect on the scalp, affecting the growth phase and development of the hair, blood supply to the scalp, and stimulating the activity of the hair roots.
„After using regularly about 2x-3x a week, I started to notice new hair growth, so it really works! :-)“
Anna (Hair Serum with Royal Jelly)
„Hair serum smells nice, has a positive effect on new hair growth.“
After customer testing of selected products focusing on problems with thinning and falling hair, which turned out great, we thought of creating a product that would include complete care. And so, we created a set of our hair care cosmetics with bee products in combination with flower pollen, which perfectly complements cosmetic care. You can find the set under the name Our solution for falling and thinning hair.
„After a few weeks of treatment, I can see a clear improvement. My hair has almost stopped falling out; I've seen lot of new baby hair growing.“
„After a month of using this cosmetic, my hair has grown and is falling out much less.“
You can supplement the external care with our hair cosmetics by using Pollen, or Royal jelly.
Take care of your hair kindly
Regular and gentle hair care also has a significant effect on maintaining hair health and preventing hair loss. So, what you can do for your hair and what you should not do? Do not wash your hair too often and do not use too hot water when washing it. Choose hair care products that boost hair regeneration and growth. Keep in mind that frequent hair dyeing or bleaching and other chemical treatments can cause hair damage and weakening. Also limit high-temperature styling to a minimum or at least protect your hair with thermal protection products. Beware of too tightened hairstyles, if you have read carefully, you already know that they can be behind one of the forms of alopecia.
Allow your hair to be trimmed regularly. Yes, precisely because your hair is falling out. Even a few centimetres often disburden your hair, and a suitable cut can also mask problem areas. Entrust yourself to the care of a hairdresser who has experience with alopecia and who can advise you well.
Apply massage to increase blood supply to the scalp
Regular scalp massage can be an effective means of stimulating hair follicles. You can enjoy it while washing your hair, applying hair lotion or serum, or perhaps while watching your favourite TV show. Using gentle circular movements of the bellies of extended fingers of both hands, massage the scalp all over the head for at least 3 but easily up to 10 minutes. The scalp gets good blood circulation, which ensures the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots. You can indulge yourself with the scalp massage several times a day, but as they say, everything in moderation. The added value of scalp massage will be a pleasant feeling of relaxation, especially if you occasionally let yourself be pampered by your dear one. What´s more, the relaxing effect of massage can help to reduce the stress that is often associated with hair loss.
In addition to a gentle scalp massage, you can also try other natural techniques: aromatherapy, acupuncture or microneedling.
Be relaxed
Many of our physical manifestations are often responses to the mental state. The psyche has an incredible influence on the whole body and its functioning. And the condition of the hair can be really affected thereby significantly. That's why, in addition to getting enough quality sleep, you should indulge in regular relaxation and devote yourself to the things you like and can lose track of time doing them. Try to find an activity that allows you to get into the so-called state of flow.
This term refers to the so-called flow, i.e., the mental state of full concentration and absorption, during which you immerse yourself in the activity so completely that nothing else seems important to you. It is a precious moment when the body or mind pushes itself to its limits to achieve something worthwhile for you. Not only professional athletes or top scientists need to get into flow, amateur artists, gardeners, dancers, or weekend athletes also experience similar states. When you do something that you love, and it fills you up, you'll experience beautiful moments of relaxation, and you'll help your psyche for many, many days. Take care of yourself and find time for yourself.
And do you know for whom the state of flow is completely natural? For children, yes, these are exactly those moments of total concentration, when the world around ceases to exist and all that matters is building a tower or jumping in a puddle :-). Be inspired by them, rediscover your childhood interests and discover or rediscover the activities that make you happy.
Hair care as part of overall harmony
The effectiveness of hair care products may be individual and also depends on the type of alopecia, its cause, and the degree of damage to the hair roots. And even the most effective hair cosmetics cannot achieve optimal results if the problem that causes hair loss persists in the body. It is therefore important to approach the problem holistically and support external health care and hair growth with overall health care. Provide your body with a balanced diet rich in the above nutrients, adequate quality sleep, and appropriate regular physical activity. Engage in activities that fulfil you and make you happy, which will also help reduce your stress level. Each step in the right direction will not only be beneficial for the health of your hair but can bring positive changes to other areas of your life as well.
Have you not found what you were looking for? Visit our advisory section for answers to the most frequently asked questions on this topic.
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Sources used:
Czech publication: MUDr. Emanuel Marques, MUDr. Milena Tanczosová, doc. MUDr. Monika Arenbergerová, Ph.D.: Alopecie – přehled, příčiny a současné možnosti léčby; Dermatologie pro praxi 2020; 14(3): 124-132
Czech publication: MUDr. Helena Michalíková: Léčba alopecie; Klinická farmakologie a farmacie, 2006; 20 (4): 211-214
Czech publication: Štrejbarová Monika: Vitamíny, minerály a jejich vliv na zdraví, bakalářská práce; Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, 2008
Czech publication: Trombiková Kristýna: Doplňky stravy s obsahem vitaminů a mineráních látek a jejich užívání u dospělé populace, diplomová práce; Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Pedagogická fakulta, 2012