Nail fungus, hangnails
From the experience gained by our customers, we can recommend Propolis Tincture for nail fungus. Rub the tincture onto your nails, they will turn yellow, but they will grow out over time. You can read about this topic and other nail problems in our article.

We can recommend Propolis Tincture for foot fungus; the package with a dropper is practical. Rub the tincture on the affected areas several times a day. During and after application, be aware that the drops stain, so let them dry first or use dark socks to avoid staining.

We can recommend several of our products - Ointment with propolis, Honey ointment with propolis or all-natural Shea Butter Balm With Propolis. The mentioned products can also be used for eczema and other problems. Cut off the cuticle at the hangnail, treat with the ointment or balm and you may cover it with a plaster to prevent the cuticle from peeling off.
For routine hand care, you can use the Hand cream with honey to regenerate and nourish your hands.

Experience gained by our customers:
„We use it for mosquito bites, for pimples... and especially the foot fungus, it worked better than ointments from a pharmacy.“
Jiřina Šlamborová | source: facebook, a customer reviewed Propolis drops
„I've only been using it for a very short time. But it's helped with the incipient cold sore and it's perfect for hangnails.“
Anonymous user | source: Heureka, zákazník hodnotil Ointment with propolis
„We use it for minor abrasions, burns, insect bites, in short, almost everything :)“
Iva Sokolová | source: e-shop, a customer reviewed Ointment with propolis
„Helps heal various wounds and abrasions faster. I recommend.“
Jana | source: e-shop, a customer reviewed Ointment with propolis
„A nice cream for dry and tired hands, just right for your handbag :)“
Marie Kociánová | source: e-shop, a customer reviewed Hand cream with honey
„This is not the last time we use this hand cream, I am going to order more and two packs at once, so my mum and I don't argue about it, it makes my hands smooth, is absorbed quickly and doesn't make my hands greasy.“
Franny | source: e-shop, a customer reviewed Hand cream with honey
Articles on this topic:
Healthy Nails without Fungus, Breakage, or Ingrowth