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Flower pollen in honey

• A large helping of power
• Czech honey
• Easy and fast use
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Flower pollen in honey

• A large helping of power
• Czech honey
• Easy and fast use
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6,80 EUR
6,80 EUR
6,80 EUR
6,80 EUR
In stock,  zboží odesíláme dnes
Weight: 250 g, Product code: 9,2, Manufacturer: Rodinná firma Pleva
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Detailed description

A large helping of power

„Pollen is so much more than a known allergen! The bees are not the only ones who find it helpful. Bees use pollen mostly to feed larvae, which require a lot of energy for their rapid development. Pollen gives them strength – without it, they would not be able to survive their harsh living conditions. We have added at least 5 % pollen to this honey. For an adult, 1 to 3 teaspoons per day are sufficient, and for children we recommend half the dosage. This honey is not suitable for children under 3 years.“

Hanka Plevová founder of the family company

High-quality Czech bee honey

We make sure that our honey is of the highest possible quality and that it has not been heated to more than 40°C during processing. Thanks to this, all our honeys are also suitable for RAW diet. In addition to quality, we also see to it that our honey is of Czech origin.

Floral pollen in honey Pleva

Country of origin of pollen: Czechia, Slovakia

Květový pyl v medu, Pleva
Honey is creamed

We use creamed honey in all our honey products with other ingredients. Making creamed honey is a technological process of mechanical mixing in which honey acquires delicate, mushy consistency. Honey processed this way does not crystallise, retains its pleasant consistency over the long term and is easy to work with - it remains soft, easy to scoop, easy to spread and yet does not trickle.

We also use creaming for the honey products with ingredients because the creamy consistency prevents the added ingredient from separating from the honey, and in the event that it does separate (this applies mainly to cocoa beans, which tend to float upwards), creamed honey can be easily stirred.

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Natural ingredients

This product is completely natural and contains only natural substances. They come from renewable sources and have been produced very carefully. More information

By a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union no. 1924/2006, we are not allowed to provide further information and health claims about this product. The specific effects of pollen can be found in other sources on the Internet.


honey, floral pollen

Květový pyl v medu, Pleva
Honey is creamed

We use creamed honey in all our honey products with other ingredients. Making creamed honey is a technological process of mechanical mixing in which honey acquires delicate, mushy consistency. Honey processed this way does not crystallise, retains its pleasant consistency over the long term and is easy to work with - it remains soft, easy to scoop, easy to spread and yet does not trickle.

We also use creaming for the honey products with ingredients because the creamy consistency prevents the added ingredient from separating from the honey, and in the event that it does separate (this applies mainly to cocoa beans, which tend to float upwards), creamed honey can be easily stirred.

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Natural ingredients

This product is completely natural and contains only natural substances. They come from renewable sources and have been produced very carefully. More information

Reviews (10)
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5