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Memory game, drawings by Hana Foff Plevová - design: Suns

• quality Czech honey
• 8% organic cocoa beans
• bittersweet taste
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Memory game, drawings by Hana Foff Plevová - design: Suns

• quality Czech honey
• 8% organic cocoa beans
• bittersweet taste More information

1,60 EUR
1,60 EUR
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Suns, bees and
1,60 EUR
1,60 EUR
In stock,  zboží odesíláme zítra 17.02.2025
Product code: 16,5, Manufacturer: Rodinná firma Pleva
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Memory game, drawings by Hana Foff Plevová - design: Suns Suns In stock 1,60 EUR
Memory game, drawings by Hana Foff Plevová - design: Suns bees and In stock 1,60 EUR
Detailed description

Cocoa beans in honey - Food of the gods

Taste the unique blend of sweet honey and crushed cocoa beans. This sensual combination consists of Czech honey and high quality cocoa beans in organic form. The bittersweet taste is irresistible! The honey dissolves in the mouth soon and the crushed cocoa beans stimulate the taste buds in a very refreshing way. The cocoa beans are fruits of the cacao tree. The elongated berries are up to 30 cm long and contain 20–50 seeds. The seeds are later fermented and dried. Finally, their shell is peeled, crushed and inserted in honey. Mix before use and enjoy the lovely, balanced taste

Hanka Plevová

Weight: 250g

Reviews (4)
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5